KofC Monthly Meeting Changes

The Knights of Columbus Bozeman Council will be changing it’s monthly meetings for the better! The changes being made are intended to add more focus on the social nature of our members. Meetings will not begin with a free dinner for Knights members. This will begin at 6:15pm the first Monday of each month. This will then be followed by the meeting itself which will kick off at 6:55pm sharp. Our goal is to keep meetings to 45 minutes and members will be free to leave by 8pm (assuming they don’t hang around to socialize or pray later).


To kick things off Vito will be providing some fine Italian dining! There will also be a surprise new dinner item which Grand Knight Tom Nyquist would like each of the Knights to try. This item Tom believes might be a good candidate for future fund raising events.


All current members are encouraged to join us for this dinner meeting!