Westboro Baptist – Counter Prayer

divinemercyWith the recent announcement by the Westboro Baptist Church that they will be protesting in Bozeman, the Knights of Columbus Council 1413 has determined that a positive message is needed to show the local community that God is not hate. Although we defend the Catholic Church’s teachings on same-sex marriage and homosexuality, in order to preserve God’s message of love, hope and mercy the Knights have determined to attend the events which will be occurring at both Montana State University and Bozeman High School.

The Knights see this as an opportunity to witness to the community the Catholic perspective of God’s response to anyone who sins or struggles with sin: Christ came not for the righteous but for the sinner and there is mercy for anyone who trusts in His love. Local Knights and any Catholic who wishes to attend with us will peacefully present signs conveying this message to the public. We will also publicly recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet.

“For the sake of His sorrowful Passion,
have mercy on us and on the whole world.”

Anyone who wishes to participate with us should meet at the Resurrection Parish parking lot at 2pm on September 9th.

-Vivat Jesus!

To learn more about the Divine Mercy Chaplet visit the Divine Mercy Website.